Sunday, June 3, 2012


I have so been looking forward to doing  a pirate unit this year!!  I am a pirate after all... (Go ECU!!) I am planning on using a pirate theme when setting up my classroom next year, so this unit gave me lots of great ideas.  I purchased Deanna Jump's Pirate unit on TpT (click here to see).  It had some great activities!  We started by reading about pirates and creating a circle map of everything we knew about pirates. 

We learned how to talk like a pirate as well.  This really helped us with the /ar/ sound like in "car".  We used our circle map to write about pirates. 

In math, we created pirates using a glyph (responses determine how pirate looks). Here are a few samples.  How stinkin' cute are these guys??? 

We learned how to draw pirates using lots of details!  I was amazed!!

We read How I Became a Pirate and Pirates Don't Change Diapers by Malinda Long.  I love both of these stories.  They were illustrated by another one of my favs...David Shannon.  We used a thinking map to plan writing for what we would do if we became a pirate. 
We also learned how to draw a pirate ship. 

And we made our own treasure maps...

We played an addition game in math.  Each person took turns rolling 2 die and finding their sum.  Each sum was recorded and part of a pirate ship was drawn. The first person to draw entire ship won. 

We made predictions as to why we think some pirates wore eye patches.  I was very impressed with the responses. One was to keep their parrots from pecking them in the eye.  Too cute!  Most thought it was due to an injury or to simply protect their eyes.  Other responses centered around the eye patch being part of the "uniform".  It was actually pretty cool to learn one of the possible reasons.  Click on the photo below to view the response we found.

We made our own eye patches to go along.  

Here is our display in the hallway!  Thanks Ms. Schiffer as always!!


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