Monday, May 21, 2012

Eric Carle

Who doesn't love Eric Carle??  He is the perfect author to study while learning about insects.  You can pick out a book illustrated by him very easily.  We loved learning more about his life and how he first came to create books.  You have to visit his website and watch some of his videos.  We listened to him tell the story of how The Very Hungry Caterpillar came to be.  It was pretty neat to see how his ideas evolve and how a hole punch led to one of the most widely known characters in the world.  I loved how the kids then made the connection to the inside cover art (paper that looked as if holes had been punched) and the title page/first page with the colored holes/circles.  We watched how Mr. Carle creates his papers and uses a collage style to illustrate his books.  We made our own papers using his technique and on Friday, cut the papers into shapes to create our favorite Eric Carle character.  I think even he would be impressed!  Take a look..

Some other activities we did to go alond with his stories:

Grouchy ladybug writing - We wrote about what makes us grouchy

Clumsy Click Beetle - made a click beetle by drawing the shape and adding a clothespin to the back so he could flip

The Butterfly and the Lamb (only illustrated by E. Carle).  We made symmetrical butterflies by dripping paint onto one side of a butterfly and smushing it together.  We created a setting for the butterfly to flutter around. 

The Lonely Firefly - we made these TLC style fireflies from D. Jump's insect unit

Honeybee and the Robber - described the beginning, middle, end in this hive

Animals, Animals - wrote our own insect poems after reading a few samples from this collection of poems, sayings, verses that Eric Carle illustrated.

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