Saturday, September 15, 2012

More photos from first full week

Here are a few more photos from our first week together! 
These are our David's from the very first day of school!
Our lovely bulletin board that Ms. Schiffer put together!!
I love it!!
We learned about several of our literacy stations, including how to use play-doh to make letters and words. 
We learned how to use and put away the stamps (used in writing and ABC stations). 

 We read several books about school and created these charts to go along.  I just got The Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books from Scholastic!!

 This is our How We Get Home graph..


 In Math, we practice sorting by color, shape, and size. 


Here is our Potato Head Pirate finally all put together!!  Each time our whole class gets a compliment we earn a part to complete him.  When he is complete we earn a class reward!!

 We learned how to use the glue bottles (and a little song about using only a dab of glue).  We practiced by creating these rainbow names.  We traced each letter in our name with glue and covered them with torn pieces of construction paper. 
  Here are our bus snacks from last Friday!  The kids had such a great time putting their own frosting on the cookie and following the "recipe". 

It is my goal to get better at taking and posting photos on a routine basis.  I promise to get there!  We are having so much fun!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone is having so much fun!! THANK YOU for these posts!!
    Susan (Nathan's mom)
