Sunday, September 23, 2012

All About Me

Another busy week down!  Here are photos from our All About Me unit.  We did lots of work with the book Chicka Chicka Boom!  Love this story.  I can't help but sing the tune as we read the story.  We made coconut trees with our names climbing up. 

We loved the special snack that went along with the story! 

We used our five senses to explore a real coconut.  This was so much fun.  I can honestly say that I have never tried coconut water until this activity.  Not a big fan.  It got lots of mixed reviews from the kids as well.  We tried coconut covered marshmallows to see if we liked coconut.  I could eat an entire bag of yummy!  We surveyed our friends to see if they liked coconut. 

We made S's in shaving cream.  So much fun!

We discussed how we have grown and changed over the years.  We talked about things we used to do that we don't do now (drink from bottle, crawl, sleep in crib) and things that we couldn't do before and can do now (ride a bike, eat "real" food, walk, talk).   We have had lots of discussion on how we are all alike and different.  Our main goal was to help the kids see that their differences are what makes them special.  What a boring place this would be if we all looked, talked, and acted the exact same.  Here are a few of our activities. 

We did lots more exploring of our 5 senses.  We leared which body parts are responsible for each sense.  We listened to sounds and tried to identify them.  We made a fruit bowl that would smell like the real fruit (we used Jell-O flavors to add the smell).  We also popped popcorn and used all 5 senses to desribe it.

In Math, we have been working on our calendar binders each day.  It is getting a bit easier.  We have been working on sorting and making patterns. 

Pinterest fail...

Anyone who knows me knows of my addiction to all things Pinterest.  I love trying out anything I find on there that might be useful in the classroom (and home).  The pictures and posts make it all seem so easy and it always works, until I try it.  I was reminded of this..
cookie monster cupcakes - nailed it!  This is so me.... :-) I totally have photos somewhere of a smiling mouth snack found on Pinterest that I tried last year during out teeth unit that turned out just like this.  You have to laugh at yourself  for at least attempting these things when you are just not crafty or a baker.  :-) 

Here is my latest story...
I am without chair pockets this year and struggling to adjust.  I had to throw mine away at the end of last year because after 9 years they had done their duty and needed to be laid to rest.  I do not sew.  I gave it a good try this summer and it is just not in me to sew.  Honestly, I tried.  Enter Pinterest.  I found this amazingly cheap way to have chair pockets without covers.  Well, I went to my nearest Dollar Tree and bought 20 red or black chair pockets and was ready to go. 

Here is what happened....

The books and white boards immediately flipped out onto the floor.  Oh well, I can still use them to hold their white board marker and eraser...Right?  Nope.  They keep sliding off the back of the chairs and we have already lost one somehow. 

Thank heavens for Pinterest becasue I found another no sewing needed way...pillowcases!!! We gave them a try this week and so far so good.  Keep your fingers crossed that they will hold up. 

Here's a peek:
  They are all mismatched, which annoys me slightly.  They are serving their purpose so I may be able to see past the variety of colors and prints for a while.  :-) 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

More photos from first full week

Here are a few more photos from our first week together! 
These are our David's from the very first day of school!
Our lovely bulletin board that Ms. Schiffer put together!!
I love it!!
We learned about several of our literacy stations, including how to use play-doh to make letters and words. 
We learned how to use and put away the stamps (used in writing and ABC stations). 

 We read several books about school and created these charts to go along.  I just got The Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books from Scholastic!!

 This is our How We Get Home graph..


 In Math, we practice sorting by color, shape, and size. 


Here is our Potato Head Pirate finally all put together!!  Each time our whole class gets a compliment we earn a part to complete him.  When he is complete we earn a class reward!!

 We learned how to use the glue bottles (and a little song about using only a dab of glue).  We practiced by creating these rainbow names.  We traced each letter in our name with glue and covered them with torn pieces of construction paper. 
  Here are our bus snacks from last Friday!  The kids had such a great time putting their own frosting on the cookie and following the "recipe". 

It is my goal to get better at taking and posting photos on a routine basis.  I promise to get there!  We are having so much fun!


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We made it!

Well we made it through our first week of kindergarten!!! I am so excited to have such a wonderful group of boys and girls!

We spent most of our time last week working on our routines for carpet time, lunch, table work, recess, packing up, walking in the hall, and pretty much every other part of the day. :-) We made a chart to show how we listen with more than just our ears.

We read the story David Goes To School about a loveable, but mischevious little boy named David.  He seemed to always be getting into trouble.  We had to hunt for him around school to make sure he was not wreaking too much havoc. 

We made David's when we returned to the classroom after our tour. 
We got to take a bus ride around the parking lot which we all thought was a blast! We practiced emergency exit procedures on Thursday.


I will have lots more to post soon!!!