Thursday, April 26, 2012

Earth Day

We spent most of our day Tuesday focused on ways we can help the Earth.  We started by sharing a book titled The Earth and I.  It helped to show how we rely on the Earth just as it relies on us.  When it is happy we are happy, and when it is sad we are sad.  We created a poster to show all of the ways we can show that we love the Earth.  We read about a hero of sorts who comes in whenever a town is need of a clean up.  His name was Michael Recycle.  We talked about materials that can be recycled and why it helps the environment.  We also used that story to introduce the affix "re-".  We used words like "reduce", "reuse", and "recycle" to show that "re" means again when it is placed in front of a verb.  We made a list of all of the words with "re-" we could think of. 

We also took part in an Earth Day rotation.  We had 2 guest speakers come talk to us about helping the environment.  One was from Progressive Gardens.  He explained composting and how it not only helps the environment by getting rid of trash that would normally fill a landfill, but also gives us soil to use to grow new things. We loved seeing all of the worms at work! Mr. York, a biologist, came to talk to us about how we can protect the water from harmful chemicals like oil and pesticides.  We watched a video about how to protect ocean animals and created Earth Day posters.

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