Sunday, February 5, 2012

Polar Animals

The kids have LOVED learning about Polar Animals. We discovered so many interesting facts about polar bears and walruses. Continuing with our nonfiction study, we read several NF books about polar bears, including one by Gail Gibbons. Here is a tree map we put together to list all of our new learning. We used this map to help us write 2 facts in our Polar Animals book about these giant artic mammals. We also completed a diagram of a Polar Bear. Did you know that their skin is black and they have no eyelashes?? Those were the big topics! We used a double bubble map to compare polar bears to penguins. We also learned about walruses. We found out that they can actually whistle. The have very long tusks. During our shared reading time, we read 2 different versions of The Three Bears and completed a story map to record details from each one. First, was a traditional Goldilocks and The Three Bears by Jan Brett. We were all pretty familiar with this one. Next, we read The Three Snow Bears (also by Jan Brett). This one featured polar bears who lived in an igloo! Dispite those differences, there were many similar elements. See our chart below.

Here are a few photos of our Penguin books from last week. These came from Deanna Jump's Penguin unit.

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