Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy 100th Day!!

I cannot believe we have already made it to 100 days in school! This year is flying by! We celebrated all day long! We read lots of books that had to do with 100 in some way, shape, or form. One was the Dr. Seuss tale I Can Teach My Dog 100 Words. We loved this one! We decided to see if we have learned 100 words. We made this circle map to prove it! Sorry the photo is a bit blurry.
We talked about what life might be like 100 years from now and what we might look like when we are 100. We made self portraits of how we think we will change. This came from Deanna Jump's 100th day unit on TpT. These turned out sooo adorable! One of my new fav things. I loved hearing the kids description of what it would be like to be that old. They talked about how their hair would be gray/white or gone and they might need glasses to see. They also talked about how they would walk differently, like with a cane or hunched over. The best though was hearing someone say as they finished their portrait..."Man, I look like my grandpa!". Too funny!
Here are how they turned out!
Love them!
Math was full of opportunities to explore the number 100. We made 100 day crowns by putting 100 stickers, stamps, or dots on strips in groups of 10.
We made 100 day necklaces by threading Fruit Loops in groups of 10 on a string to 100. This was a little tougher than we thought. Most of us were unable to completely finish, but it was fun trying!
We used our 100 collections to practice measuring length. We stretched our 100 objects down the hall in a straight line. We counted how many floor tiles/squares long our collection was.
We made 2 class books. We wrote about what we do if we had 100 dollars (it's amazing what we think $100 will buy). We also wrote about how we are 100 days smarter. We described what we are now able to do that we could not do when we first started school. We truly have come a long way in 100 days!
Our favorite though was the 100 day Olympics. We "competed" in events including the number 100. We had a 100 bean bag toss (one in which we tried to get the bag through the 0 in 100, and one where we tried to get 100 points as a team). We did 100 different exercises (10 sets of 10 reps). We ran a 100 yd. dash. We tried to keep a hula hoop going as we counted to 100. We tried jump roping 100 times in a row. We bounced a ball 100 times, and we used sidewalk chalk to write numbers to 100 and play hopscotch.

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