Sunday, October 7, 2012


I think I have figured out why I cannot get caught up this year!  Pinterest....Yes, I blame Pinterest and the Internet in general.  I have been following so many amazing teacher blogs and pinners on Pinterest that I am now overwhelmed with too many wonderful ideas or things I want to try.  I think I need to take a little break for a while.  I have a feeling it will be like the time I tried to cut out carbs. I say I am going to do it, and may stay away for a whole day or two.  Afte that I find myself eyeing a box of Cheese-It snack mix and I say "just one, I have earned it".  My one turns into the entire box(that snack mix is my kryptonite).  I could easily see myself in the same type situation with Pinterest and the internet.  I'll just look for one thing I know 3 hours have somehow passed me by.  We'll see how it goes and if I get caught up.  Wish me luck...

Even though I cannot seem to get caught up we have been having a ball down in Kindergarten.  I must say that color week was a blast!! I have a new favorite series of books....Pete the Cat.  He is awesome!  The kids really loved him as well.  here is a little snippet of them singing alond with the author and illustrator.  (will try again could not get loaded)
You can find the video for the song below if you want to watch at home.  Love them!!
Here are some other photos of the fun we had...

We explored making new colors by mixing primary colors (we used play doh).  

Here are a few pics from our literacy stations this week.  

 Our Pete the Cats from D. Jump's Colorful cats unit.  We have been finishing them up in our writing station.   

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