Thursday, October 18, 2012


Wow!  So much for getting caught up!  I am so sorry I have been such a slacker on here lately.  I have not been able to keep to my promise of giving up Pinterest for a while.  I did cut back though so that should count, right??  Anyway here's a peek at what we have been up to the last few weeks!


  We have been working on labeling in writing and gave it a try with the parts of an apple.  We tore pieces of paper to make our apple cores. 


We used our senses to describe an apple.  We painted plates to look like apples. 
We tasted all 3 colors of apples (red delicios, golden delicious, and green Granny Smiths).  We graphed our favorite. 

On Friday we made a recipe for applesauce and followed it together.  We let it cook all day in the crockpot.  It was pretty tasty.  We had apple juice to go along with it.  We surveyed our friends to see if they liked applesauce or apple juice better. 


We learned how apples grow and change during each season.  We made these trees to show how an apple tree looks in winter, spring, summer, and fall. 

We talked about how nonfiction or informational texts give us facts about a topic.  We read lots of nonfiction stories about apples.  We also read about Johhny Appleseed.  We learned that he was a real person who did plant apple trees and seeds, but many stories about his adventures are made up in what are called Tall Tales.  Here are some of the key details we learned from some stories about John Chapman.

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