Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Classroom Photos

Can't believe it is almost that time!!  I have been working in the room quite a bit lately because I am so worried that I will not get everything done!  I am making so many changes this year to how my room is set up (among other new ideas I can't wait to try).  I always end up not liking the way my room is laid out around October, so I am hoping that by putting some extra time/thought into it now I can avoid that.  I owe a lot of my inspiration to Pinterest and the tons of amazing teacher bloggers out there who share photos and ideas of how they organize and set up their own classrooms. 

I am using a Pirate theme this year and focusing on the colors red, white, and black.  I am still working on some curtains to cover my shelves over my cubbies.  I do not sew, but tried learning and sewing one.  I ended up buying some Stitch Witch that allows me to just iron on a seam.  I am not a big fan of the sewing machine.  :-)  I will have more photos soon, but here are a few for now! 

This is where my art/creation station will be.  I will have paper and art supplies on the back counter. I think my rules will be posted on one of the large cabinet doors and maybe vocabulary words on the other.  Not sure just yet. 

Here is white board and group carpet area.

Science area.  The plastic drawers house all of my Reading A to Z books in group sets by level. 

Here is my little helper photobombing my writing station photo.  :-)  Love that little guy!  He drew a map on my whiteboard to show me where to put everything.

Again carpet area.  The long black bulletin board will be the Word Wall.  The Reading Corner is behind the shelf.  My listening center will be just in front of the word wall. 

Here is a close up of Word Wall/Listening.  I am thinking of adding crate seats or pillows for the kiddos to sit on. 
My truffela/palm trees.  I want to turn my reading area into a "Pirate Cove". I am going to try and make an island background on the wall and maybe hang a pirate flag.  Love my banner from Hobby Lobby! 

This a look at my teacher/small group area.  My binders and small group materials are on the shelf.  The red board is going to be the calendar area.  I am going to cover the side of the file cabinet to make that a data collection bulletin board. 

I will be sure to add more as it gets done.  :-)  We have been super busy with home visits!  I have LOVED meeting all of my new kids and their families!!  So excited about this new year!!

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